Use the StoreReport Activity

Note: Use caution when building or editing a workflow. For further advice or to arrange training, contact your professional services consultant.

The StoreReport activity can be used to generate a report about a learner that is stored against the learner's record.

The StoreReport activity is located in the Reporting section of the Tribal Toolbox.

Note: The minimum requirement for the StoreReport activity is TranscriptId.

This activity contains the following relevant properties.

Section This field Holds this information...
Inputs LogStatus

The batch log status.

Note: The LogStatus property is set to 'Requested' by default.


The person code of the user executing the report (for example: PersonCode).

Note: The PagePersonCode property is set to 'WorkflowUser' by default.


The parameter string.

Note: The format for this field is <param1>=<value1>||<param2>=<value2>

ReportParametersList The ReportParametersList activity value
TranscriptId The report identifier (for example: 32 for report 32)
Misc DisplayName

The title for the activity.

Note: The DisplayName property is set to StoreReport by default.

StoreReport activity parameters

Click the ellipsis button adjacent to the relevant fields to open the Expression Editor.

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